Bayonet class light cruiser
Bayonet class light cruiser

Specialized systems forces whose primary purpose is the resupplying of Imperial depots, outposts, and bases. Though every Line has its own active technical personnel aboard, when the Empire's operations call for a higher population of engineers and techs, one of the "auxiliary systems forces" is called in, made up mostly of technical personnel whose skills are put to whatever task is required of them.

  • Force Technical Services: 8 transports.
  • Systems in active pacification by the Empire play host to these systems forces. A transport force is assigned to areas where the Empire expects that infantry are going to be required, ready to deploy Army troopers and Stormtroopers.

    bayonet class light cruiser

    Escort squadrons are assigned to the protection of important Imperial assets. These are in place for those systems aligned with the Empire quite solidly. Superiority forces are designated as the means by which the Empire maintains its superiority in a given collection of systems.

  • Superiority Force: 3 Battle Squadrons.
  • A systems force is made up of multiple squadrons, typically averaging around ninety ships in all. Ī systems force is given wardenship over several star systems, deploying individual squadrons to those systems as the need presents itself. Each of these shipyards not only has over a hundred repair bays, but they are also equipped with hyperdrive engines to allow the entire shipyard to escape should they be compromised.Ĭommander: Systems Admiral, given the title of Commodore. The Deepdock facilities are where most Imperial vessels are transferred to when damaged. These fleets oversee the logistics resupply of Imperial fleets and sites. Assigned to HTLV (High Threat, Low Value) sectors where the forces may annihilate opposition without concern for maintaining local populations or infrastructure.
  • Bombard Fleet: 2 System Bombard Forces.
  • These fleets are tasked with bringing troopers to hostile sectors. A Superiority Fleet is assigned to low-threat sectors.
  • Superiority Fleet: 4-6 Systems Forces, including six Star Destroyers.
  • bayonet class light cruiser

    A fleet's purpose is usually operating within a single sector. Ī fleet is made up of multiple Systems Forces, with individual ships numbering around four hundred vessels, on average.

  • There are twenty total Oversector Groups.Ĭommander: Admiral, sometimes given the title of Commodore.
  • Such groupings are the sum totality of Imperial naval forces within a given expanse of space, and include at least 24 Star Destroyers.

    bayonet class light cruiser

    Oversector groups are made up of multiple fleets, usually totaling an average of 2500 individual vessels or so. The following are the classes of naval formation.

    Bayonet class light cruiser